Ever feel like you are just going through everyday and not really taking in all of the things you enjoy? I think we all go through times when we just need a boost. Well I have had so much going on in life I have fallen off track and needed a boost back into "my life". When I have a million things to do or places to be, my doula business and my passion for birth seem to take the back burner.
I had the opportunity to speak to a class of high school students about being a doula, birth, breastfeeding, and babies today. I am VERY thankful for the experience and the chance to share with you people when they are most vulnerable! God has shown me that I am better with teens than I ever thought I could be. A few years ago the thought of having a conversation with a teenager about anything seemed almost scary or useless. I have grown to LOVE helping and being around teenagers. They have brought me so much joy and it has been very rewarding. That is why I was so excited to speak to them today.
Anyways, after talking with them about birth and sharing my personal story with them, I feel like my passion is alive and burning again. Don't get me wrong, my passion wasn't lost and I will ALWAYS have a love for birth, it was just being covered up by STRESS, tiredness and my busy everyday life!!!
I feel like I could shout from the mountain tops, women are AMAZING, women are stronger than they think, BIRTH IS NORMAL, pregnant women are NOT broken!!!!! Maybe it's all the coffee I had today :-) but I feel like God has me here for a purpose and I don't ever want to lose sight of that! I do know that not all of you have the same beliefs as me and that is okay, I just want all women to be able to make informed decisions about an experience that they will carry with them for the REST OF THEIR ENTIRE LIFE!
In youth group this past Sunday we discussed that using your talents is an act of worshiping God. I completely feel like I am worshiping God by using the skills and the passion he has given me. I know that I am making Him proud by using my talents. If you have read all of this, I want you to leave with one thing, find your passion, find your purpose, and know your strengths. Life is soooooo much more rewarding when you have something that drives you!!!! I just happen to have several somethings that drive me!
No more caffeine for me today! ;-)